- Speeches: after dinner, keynote, best man, farewells, meetings, politics
- Eulogies, obituaries
- Testimonials
- Submissions, correspondence
- CVs, resumes, cover letters
Take a quick look at the above list. It’s just some of the areas where writing is needed more than ever today. The demand for written communication has become white-hot. Using the right words quickly and efficiently has never been more important. People from all walks of life need to write on so many fronts, and to write well. Persuasively, reliably, engagingly. It’s no easy task getting through to your audience in a world where everyone is bombarded by information. So when you write, you need to cut through the white noise of the internet, through its jargon and clatter and competition. You need to make a ready impression that captures your audience’s attention.
Noel Murphy has life-long professional experience writing across all manner of subjects: politics, economics, crime, justice, industry, health, education, sport, community. He’s worked with everyone from tradesmen to scientists, industry captains to university vice-chancellors, rock stars to astronauts. He’s written with celebrities, mums, dads, big and small businesses, crime victims, judges and many more people. He has decades of the front-line experience you need to help your writing.

Talk to Noel Murphy today in a free 30-minute consultation to discuss
your writing needs and how best convey your message to your clients