What’s your business? Commercial? Retail? Trade? Professional? Small family business? Maybe it’s in sport, or entertainment? Perhaps you’re a non-profit body … Whatever it is, at some stage you need to promote your operations. To touch base with your customers and clients. Your audience.
When you do, you’ll want words. Words for your advertisements. For your website. Maybe your blog or even just a Facebook update. Words matter. So where are you going to turn?
Talk to Noel Murphy. He’s been writing the right words for years. He can ensure that those ever-so-important words make sense. He can highlight exactly what you’re providing — your services, your products, your advice and expertise. He can ensure your message cuts through the bluff and bluster, the jargon, of normal advertising. Above all, he can make that message strike the right chord with your client.
Your message needs to be what your client wants to hear — not just what you want them to hear. Your message has to engage the client. It has to convey your business MO quickly, efficiently and effectively. Your business relies on securing the confidence of your clients and customers. Winning this confidence means the words on your websites, in your advertisements and your brochures, are sharp and to the point. Clients want ready, easy-to-understand answers to their questions. No smoke and mirrors.
Words matter.
For the right words, you need experience.
Every time.

Talk to Noel Murphy today in a free 30-minute consultation to discuss
your writing needs and how best convey your message to your clients.